Crypto 24h Liquidation Tracker

Happy birthday! Binance 24h Liquidation Tracker!

One year ago i build the first variation of liquidation tracker to supply data to LickHunter Pro trading bot via LickHunterPro Assistant. After 983 commits done to the code i change the name to Crypto 24h Liquidation Tracker since it’s no longer tracking data from Binance only. It’s also tracking from Bybit.

Crypto 24h Liquidation Tracker

There is also a research section to visualize what data the bot and LickHunterPro Assistant see and how it’s perform using past liquidation data.

Crypto 24h Research Data

At the time of writing, there is 21 bots/Assistants connected to the network with the total fund value at $152,601.00. The data still not available on the statistic page. Hopefully i got time to implemented it.

I’m still looking for a way to improve both the liquidation tracker and assistant. Hopefully both tool can helping people making money instead of lossing it.

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